Japanese Whale Hunting: The Facts And Impact On Whales

Japanese Whale Hunting: The Facts And Impact On Whales

Japanese Whale Hunting remains a persistent and controversial matter that won’t go away. Whales were excessively exploited during the height of the whaling industry back in the 18th and 19th centuries. So much so that many species like the right whale and the blue whale dropped almost to the point of extinction. The right whale…

Rescuing A Stranded Whale: 5 Safety Tips To Remember

Rescuing A Stranded Whale: 5 Safety Tips To Remember

Here’s what to do if you come across a Stranded Whale. Whales are the largest mammals we have on Earth today. But though their natural habitat is in the water, they frequently beach themselves. Though scientists are still not completely clear on what causes this problem there are many factors that contribute to it. For example,…