Species Profile: The Pygmy Sperm Whale
The Pygmy Sperm Whale is a very rare and relatively small-sized species of whale that’s commonly mistaken for its cousin, the Dwarf Sperm Whale.
The Pygmy Sperm Whale is a very rare and relatively small-sized species of whale that’s commonly mistaken for its cousin, the Dwarf Sperm Whale.
The Dwarf Sperm Whale is one of only two cetacean species that can eject “ink” to scare off would-be predators. The Dwarf Sperm Whale is one of only three surviving species in the sperm whale family. These creatures are very rarely sighted out at sea, so the much that’s known about them is gathered from studying…
The Gray Whale resisted capture so much that whalers named it “Devilfish.” Find out more interesting facts about this whale here.
The Common Bryde’s Whale is a baleen whale known for being inquisitive about humans. Out in the ocean, they will approach boats and swim along side them.
The blue whale is so big its tongue weighs about the same as an elephant. These whales were hunted to near extinction in the early 20th century but their numbers are now recording a very slow but steady increase.
The Bowhead Whale is an exclusively Arctic-dwelling species and one of largest whales on Earth. It also has the largest mouth of any creature on the Planet.
Despite being one of the largest whales alive today, the Fin Whale is also one of the fastest cetaceans alive hence the nickname “the greyhound of the Sea.”
The Sei Whale is the fourth largest baleen whale and presently and endangered species. It’s also a common victim of Cookie-Cutter Shark bites.
Learn all about the sperm whale: a very unique and popular whale indeed. This is another creature that was almost hunted to extinction and a whale of this same species happens to be the inspiration behind the 1851 classic tale by Herman Melville: Moby Dick.
The Cuvier’s Beaked Whale is a truly cosmopolitan creature known for frequent stranding. It also holds the record for the deepest and longest dive among mammals